

Thursday, 26 July 2012

We cant ESCAPE

Almighty Allah (SWT) made Prophet Solomon / Sulaiman (as) King of a vast kingdom, which included His entire creation. The Jinn and men obeyed his will and even the birds adhered to his commands, to the extent of using their wings to provide shelter for him. He was also given many other powers such as being able to talk to animals and control the wind so that it could carry him wherever he wished to go. Prophet Solomon (as) was blessed with an extraordinary power of perception and intelligence. It is narrated that one day, a man entered the court of Prophet Solomon (as), looked around at all the people and went out again. When the court adjourned, one of the people present approached Prophet Sulaiman (as) and asked him whether he knew this strange man. "The person you saw was the angel of death (Izrael)" replied Prophet Solomon (as). The man was taken aback and looked worried. "Why was he staring at me as though he wanted to take my soul?" he asked. "What do you want me to do?" enquired Prophet Sulaiman (as). "O Solomon!" exclaimed the man. "You have power over the wind. Command it to transport me to the land of Hind (India)." As the man was a believer, Prophet Solomon (as) agreed and granted his wish. A few days later, Prophet Solomon (as) saw the angel of death again. He asked him why he had been staring at the man so intently on that particular day. "O Solomon!" replied the angel of death. "Allah (SWT) commanded me to take the soul of that man on the soil of Hind. When I saw him sitting in your court, I could not understand how I could carry out Allah's order. Nevertheless, as it was a divine command, I left for Hind and fortunately found the man there. I took his soul as Allah (SWT) had commanded." There is nothing more certain than death. It is a reality, which nobody can escape from. Allah (SWT), the Almighty says: "Wherever you may be, death shall overtake you, even if you were in fortified towers". Noble Qur'an (4:78) Imam Ali (as) said: Any breath that a man breathes is a step towards death. Imam Ali (as) said: You are the game that death hunts. If you stand still it will seize (catch) you. If you ran (flee) away it will overtake you.


There was a hermit in Bani Israel. He was absolutely free from sins. Upon seeing this, the head Satan (Shaitan) called his cohorts and asked which one of them could mislead this man? One of them volunteered and Satan asked what method he would use? He said through women. The head Satan told him that he would not succeed because the sage was oblivious to sexual pleasure. Another Satan rose up and said he would deviate him through wine and sensuality. The head Satan said that he too was unsuitable for this job because the sage was not interested in these things. A third Satan stood up and said that he would cause him to err through good deeds and noble character. The head Satan said that indeed he was fit for the job. This Satan, at once went to the place where the sage was engrossed in his meditation, and stood up beside him and began to pray Salah (Salat, Namaz). The sage was feeling sleepy but the Satan continued to perform prayers. When the sage got tired he would take a rest but the Satan did not take a break. The sage felt himself inferior and went to the Satan to ask him the secret of his stamina in praying Salah (Salat, Namaz). The Satan did not give any reply and the sage reiterated his question. Yet there was no response from the Satan. When the sage asked him the third time the Satan said, "The fact is that I had committed a great sin (Gunah-e-Kabira) and since then whenever I remember my sin, I get impetus to worship more." The sage asked him what sin he had committed so that even he can do it and gain the stamina to worship so much. The Satan said, "Go to a particular prostitute in the town, pay her two dirhams and fulfill your needs with her." "From where can I get two dirhams?" asked the sage, "I don't even know what a Dirham means". The Satan took out two dirhams from under his feet and gave them to the sage and also gave him his cloak and sent him towards the city. The sage sought the address of the prostitute. The people guided him thinking that he was going to her to guide her towards morality. The sage gave the two dirhams to the woman and asked her to entertain him. The prostitute invited him inside with respect and said, "Pious people like you do not visit prostitutes. Why have you taken such a step?" The sage explained his aim in detail. The woman told him, "Actually, avoiding a sin is easier than repenting for it. Because it is not necessary that a sinner will get a chance to repent. I think that the one who has advised you for this is Satan, who has assumed a human form to mislead you. Go back to your place and you shall find him missing." The sage returned home and by chance the prostitute died the same night. In the morning people saw the following inscribed on her door: "Take part in the funeral of this woman, she is from the people of Paradise." The people fell into doubt and were so astounded that for three days they were not able to bury her. Till the Almighty Allah (SWT) revealed upon His Messenger, Musa Ibn Imran (as) [Prophet Moses (pbuh)] to recite her funeral prayer and also command the people to participate in it. "Because she had prevented a servant of Mine from committing a grievous sin. So I have forgiven all her sins and made Paradise incumbent on her." Have you refrained anyone today from committing a sin? How fortunate are those who practice Amar Bil Maroof (enjoining the right) and Nahi Anil Munkar (forbidding the wrong) everyday in an Islamic Society/Muslim Society.

Never Give Up

A man woke up early in order to pray the Fajr (Morning) prayer in the Masjid (Mosque). He got dressed, made his Wudhu (ablution) and was on his way to the Masjid. On his way to the Masjid, the man fell and his clothes got dirty. He got up, brushed himself off, and headed home. At home, he changed his clothes, made his ablution, and was, again, on his way to the Masjid. On his way to the Masjid, he fell again and at the same spot! He, again, got up, brushed himself off and headed home. At home he, once again, changed his clothes, made his ablution and was on his way to the Masjid. On his way to the Masjid, he met a man holding a lamp.He asked the man of his identity and the man replied "I saw you fall twice on your way to the Masjid, so I brought a lamp so I can light your way." The first man thanked him profoundly and the two were on their way to the Masjid. Once at the Masjid, the first man asked the man with the lamp to come in and pray Fajr with him. The second man refused. The first man asked him a couple more times and, again, the answer was the same. The first man asked him why he did not wish to come in and pray. The man replied "I am Shaitan (Devil)." The man was shocked at this reply. Shaitan (Devil) went on to explain, "I saw you on your way to the Masjid and it was I who made you fall. When you went home, cleaned yourself and went back on your way to the Masjid,Allah forgave all of your sins. I made you fall a second time, and even that did not encourage you to stay home, but rather, you went back on your way to the Masjid. Because of that, Allah forgave all the sins of the people of your household. I was afraid if I made you fall one more time, then Allah will forgive the sins of the people of your village, so I made sure that you reached the Masjid safely." Conclusion: So do not let Shaitan (Devil) benefit from his actions. Do not put off a good that you intended to do as you never know how much reward you might receive from the hardships you encounter while trying to achieve that good. often (Shaitan) Devil In many religions, the major personified spirit of evil, ruler of Hell, and foe of God. Used with the. A subordinate evil spirit; a demon.A wicked or malevolent person.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Life and Death

One day of the many days. There was a man traveling on a trip with his Wife and Kids. And on the way he met someone standing in the roadway. So he asked him: Who are you? He said: I am the money. So the man asked his wife and kids: Should we ask him to ride with us? They said together: Yes of course because with the money it can help us if we wanted to do anything and if we wanted to get anything we desired. So they took the Money to ride with them. And the vehicle continued its way until the man met someone else on the road. So the Father asked: Who are you? He said: I am the high position and power. So the father asked his wife and kids: Should we ask him to ride with us? So they all answered together in one voice: Yes of course because with the high position and power we have the ability to do anything we want and own anything we desired. So they took the high position and power with them. And the vehicle continued to finish its trip. And likewise he met in the same manner many people which give the pleasures and desires of this life, until... They met one person on the way... The Father asks him Who are you? He said: I am Deen-e-Islam (Religion Islam). So the father, wife, and kids said all together in one voice: No, no this isn't the time, we desire the pleasures of this life and world (Dunya), and the Deen will prevent us and ban us from these things and it will take control over us, and we will be worn-out from being loyal to it and its learning. And the Halal (Lawful) and the Haram (Forbidden), and this thing prayer and that thing Hijab, and this fasting , and and and and and etc, It will be a burden upon us! But what is certain is that we will definitely return for you to pick you up but only after we enjoy this life and everything in it. So sadly they left him behind and the vehicle continued its trip.And out of no where something appeared in the middle of the road.It was a check point in the road and it had a sign saying, STOP!And they found a man gesturing for the father to get out of the vehicle.So the man said to the father: The trip has ended as far as you are concerned! And it is upon you to get out and come with me. The father was shocked with fear and didn't say a word.So the man said to him: I am searching for the Deen-e-Islam. Is he with you? He answered: No I left him not too far back. So if you can let me go back,I can get him for you. You do not have the ability to go back, your trip has ended and there is no going back now. returning is impossible said the man. But I have, money, high position and power, My Wife, My Kids, and and and and and and on. The man said to him: They will not benefit you nor will they protect you in front of Allah (SWT). Not one bit! And you will leave all of this, and not one of them will help you except for the Deen-e-Islam you know? The one which you left back in the road. So the father asked: And who are you exactly? I AM DEATH The one which you were needless of and didn't take into account in your trip! The father looked at his vehicle and found his wife taking control of it and continuing the trip with all of its passengers but him. And none of them stayed with him, and none of them helped him in any way. Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (pbuh) said: The worse of people is the one who trades his next world for enjoyment of this world, and worse than him is the one who trades his next world for enjoyment of someone else (in this world). Allah (SWT), the Majestic said: "Say: If your fathers and your sons and your brethren and your mates and your kinsfolk and property which you have acquired, and the slackness of trade which you fear and dwellings which you like, are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger and striving in His way, then wait till Allah brings about His command: and Allah does not guide the transgressing people. " Noble Qur'an (9:24) Allah (SWT), the Majestic said: "Every soul shall taste of death, and you shall only be paid fully your reward on the resurrection day; then whoever is removed far away from the fire and is made to enter the garden he indeed has attained the object; and the life of this world is nothing but a provision of vanities." Noble Qur'an (3:185) Allah (SWT), the Majestic said: "And leave those who have taken their religion for a play and an idle sport, and whom this world's life has deceived, and remind (them) thereby lest a soul should be given up to destruction for what it has earned:" Noble Qur'an (6:70)