If you have Diabetes please do this wazifa for 11 days and you will be cured in 11 days. This is a tried and tested wazifa. Each time it works. Condition is that your income must be halal and you must be doing 5 times Salah.
Feel free to complain if it does not work.
Take a glass of water and put it next to you before you do your Fajr Salah. Then after every Fajr Salah while sitting read
Darood/Salavat 3 times
Surah Yasin Ayet no 58
“salamun kolum min rabbir rehim” 100 times
Darood/Salavat 3 times
But the Darood/Salavat has to be the one you read in Salah. Meaning Darood Ibrahimi. Put a glass of water infront of you before starting the wazifa.
Then do a dam on it (blow on the water) and drink it all.
Then write the same Ayet on a piece of paper with non alcoholic ink. Then take a bottle of water and put it inside and drink that water whole day. Finish the water before you sleep each night. You will write a new paper each day. keep the old paper in the bottle. At the end of the wazifa bury the papers in the bottle in a safe place where no one steps or drop them in flowing water after tieing them to a stone.
Do this every day for 11 days. Your sugar will disappear for ever.
If the water gets less please add normal water in it and only drink this water.
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