O Allah! As morning dawns upon me, I bear testimony before You and before the angels who carry Your Throne and all Your angels and all of Your creation that truly, You are Allah, there is no god but You, The One and Only God without any partner, and that truly, Muhammad is Your special devotee and Your Prophetic Messenger.
Allahumma inni asbahtu ush-hiduka. . .
Abu Daud narrated that Anas bin Malik said that the Prophet (pbuh) said:
“When one says, Allahumma inni asbahtu ushhiduka, wa ushhidu hamamalata ‘arshika… (until the end of the dua), Allah will free a quarter of him from the fire, and if he recites it twice Allah will free half of him, and if he recites it three times Allah will free three quarters of him, and if he recites it four times [Allah will] free him from the fire.”
Allah has made things so easy for us, something as so light on the tongue like this simple dua and yet it is filled with so much benefit. It would be a shame not to commit this dua to memory and act upon it each day. May Allah give us all the ability. Amin
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