We all are aware of the wahabi ( so called salafi) methodology. Their whole doctrine is based upon the views of a hand ful of scholars like Ibn Tyamiah, Ibn Qayyim al jawziyah,Ibn baz , Albani and Uthaymeen.
My personal experience tells that in the coming years Sheikh Ibn Tyamiah will be sidelined , when more and more wahabis will come to know that Ibn Taymiah loved Tasawwuf.
As far as Ahlus sunnah wal jamah, then the scholars never considered Ibn Taymiah a man who has a good understanding of ISLAMIC AQIDAH ( DOCTRINE) .
Please read the other artciles on the blog spot ; like Ibn hajar on Ibn taymiah , Imam Dahabi's letter to Ibn Taymiah..etc to find out what all BLUNDERS Ibn Taymiah did in Islamic doctrine( aqidah).
Insha Allah this article will show another blunder of Ibn Taymiah! This will be divided into 2 parts. The first part is for everyone and the second one for those who love in detail analysis.
All the muslims are aware of the five pillars of Islam;
1)Faith or belief in the Oneness of God( Tawheed) and the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad;( Risalat)
2)Establishment of the daily prayers;
3) Zakat( almsgiving) to the needy;
4 Fasting in the month of Ramadhan
5)The pilgrimage to Makkah for those who are able
Ibn Taymiah divided the belief in the Oneness of God into categories!!!( Read below to know in detail).
A wahabi may tell you that since hadith( prophetic traditions) are divided into different categories , so this allowed Ibn TAYMIAH to commit this Innovation( biddah) of dividing even Tawheed!!( But they forget that HADITH is not among the 5 pillars of Islam)
To know and learn hadith is not a Fard upon muslims and no muslim scholar ever said that if you don't know the division of Hadith, then you are not a muslim!( In fact the division was made and named to maintain the authenticity of hadiths)
When it comes to division of Tawheed, these blind follower of Ibn taymiah have the worst belief! They say " If a Muslim does not know and believe in these division he is not a muslim!!".
A wahabi was told that since Tawheed is the CORE of ISLAM and all the prophet came to teach tawheed and the leader of all the prophets( Imamul Anmbiya) , the seal of the prophethood Sayyidena Mohammed ( sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) did not mention about any division in THE MOST impostant part of Islam( tawheed), then how can you believe and add this division in Islam?
His answer was" May be prophet missed this as he was a normal human being who used to forget things""
( Astagfirullah)
Any muslim can take the above comment of this wahabi and ask any scholar of islam about this comment. A fatwa of Kufr will be declared on him.
Sheikh Ibn Taimiyah made this division and salafis follow it blindly .NO one before Sheikh Ibn Taimiyah EVER made this divsion. Sheikh Ibn Taimiyah and the salafis equated muslims to mushrikeen and present day salafis say " if you do not know this divison and its meaning then you are like mushrik.
Among Ibn Taymiyya's kalâm innovations was his division of tawh.îd into two types: tawh.îd al-rubûbiyya and tawh.îd al-ulûhiyya, respectively, Oneness of Lordship and Oneness of Godhead. fn80 The first, he said, consisted in the acknowledgment of Allâh as the Creator of all, a belief shared by believers and non-believers alike. The second, he said, was the affirmation of Allâh as the one true deity and only object of worship, a belief exclusive to believers. His natural conclusion was that "whoever does not know tawh.îd al-ulûhiyya, his knowledge of tawh.îd al-rubûbiyya is not taken into account because the idolaters also had such knowledge." He then compared the scholars of kalâm to the Arab idol-worshippers who accepted tawh.îd al-rubûbiyya but ignored tawh.îd al-ulûhiyya
1. Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, to whom Ibn Taymiyya falsely affiliated himself in front of Hanbalis, never said that tawheed consisted in two parts, one being tawheed al-ruboobiyya and the other tawheed al- uloohiyya, nor did he ever say that "whoever does not know tawheed al-uloohiyya, his knowledge of tawheed al-ruboobiyya is not taken into account because the idolaters also had such knowledge." Anyone can check that Imam Ahmad never said such a thing in his doctrine (`aqida) as recorded in the compilations of his followers such as Ibn al-Jawzi's 'Manaaqib' and other books, none of which contain this drivel.
2). None of the followers of the Followers (atba`a` al-taabi`een) ever said to his companions (i.e. students of younger generations) that tawheed consisted in two parts, one being tawheed al-ruboobiyya and the other tawheed al-uloohiyya, nor did any of them ever say that "whoever does not know tawheed al-uloohiyya, his knowledge of tawheed al- ruboobiyya is not taken into account." If humankind and jinn joined together to prove that one of the atbaa` al-taabi`een ever said such a thing, they would not succeed!
3.) None of the Followers (al-taabi`een) ever said to their companions (i.e. students of younger generations) that tawheed consisted in two parts, one being tawheed al-ruboobiyya and the other tawheed al- uloohiyya, and if humankind and jinn joined together to establish that one of them ever said such a thing, they would not succeed!
4.) None of the Companions of the Prophet (s) ever said that tawheed consisted in two parts, one being tawheed al-ruboobiyya and the other tawheed al-uloohiyya, nor did any of them ever say that "whoever does not know tawheed al-uloohiyya, his knowledge of tawheed al-ruboobiyya is not taken into account because the idolaters also had such knowledge." And I defy whoever stakes a claim that he has knowledge, to try and trace for us such a fabricated division back to the Companions -- even with an inauthentic narration (wa law bi riwaayatin waahiya)!
5.) Nowhere in the extensive Sunna of the Prophet (s), which is the exposition of the Book of Allah the Mighty and the Majestic, whether in the books of 'sahih', the 'sunnan', the 'masaanid', or the 'ma`aajim', is it related that the Prophet (s) ever said to his Companions or ever taught them that tawheed consisted in two parts, one being tawheed al-ruboobiyya and the other tawheed al-uloohiyya, nor that "whoever does not know tawheed al-uloohiyya, his knowledge of tawheed al-ruboobiyya is not taken into account because the idolaters also had such knowledge." If humankind and jinn joined together to establish that the Prophet (s) ever said such a thing, even with an inauthentic chain of transmission, they would not succeed!
6) Indeed the books of the Sunna of the Prophet (s) overflow with the fact that the call (da`wa) of the Prophet (s) to the people unto Allah was in order that they witness that there is no god except God alone and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and in order that they repudiate idol-worship. One of the most famous illustrations of this is the (sound) narration of Mu`adh ibn Jabal when the Prophet (s) sent him to (govern) Yemen and said to him: "Invite them to the witnessing that {there is no god but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God}. If they obey this, at that time tell them that they are obligated to pray five prayers in every twenty-four hours..." And it is narrated in five of the six books of authentic traditions, and Ibn Hibbaan declared it sound, that a beduin Arab reported the sighting of the new moon to the Prophet (s) and the latter ordered the people to fast without asking this man other than to confirm the two witnessings. According to this drivel of Ibn Taymiyya, it would have been necessary for the Prophet (s) to call all people to the tawheed al-uloohiyya of which they were ignorant, for as for tawheed al-ruboobiyya they knew it already; and he should have said to Mu`aadh (according to this drivel): "Invite them to tawheed al-uloohiyya"; and he should have asked the beduin who had sighted the new moon of Ramadan (according to this drivel): "Do you know tawheed al-uloohiyya?"
7.) In His precious Book which falsehood cannot approach whether from the front or from the back, Allah never ordered "tawheed al-uloohiyya" to His servants, nor did He ever say that "whoever does not know this tawheed, his knowledge of tawheed al-ruboobiyya is not taken into account."
8). Rather, Allah ordered the utterance of an Absolute Word of Oneness (kalimat al-tawHeed muTlaqa), for He said as He addressed His Prophet (s): "Know that there is no other god except God alone" ('fa`lam annahu la ilaaha illallaah'). And He spoke similarly in all of the verses of oneness (tawheed) that are mentioned in the Qur'an including surat al-ikhlas which is equivalent to one third of the Qur'an.
9.) It would have been necessary for Allah, if we were to believe this drivel (of Ibn Taymiyya), that since His servants all knew about tawheed al-ruboobiyya and did not know about tawheed al-uloohiyya, He should have made it explicitly clear to them and not misguided them and not punished them for their ignorance of half of tawheed, nor said to them: "Today I have perfected for you your Religion and I have completed My blessing upon you and I have accepted for you islaam as a religion." And we seek refuge in Allah from the treacheries of the tongue and the corruption of folly.
Those who talk of division in Tahheed , also shout on " BIddah"( INOVATION) , isn't this the ugliest Biddah in Islam?
A wahabi can never justify the division in tawheed. He will speak to you , will be answerless , but still keep on arguing! We can try to awake those who are sleeping , but not those who are pretending to sleep! Guidance is from Allah alone.
So a wahabi who is debating in his heart about this division of tawheed into 3 parts, should ask a question to his own self: Why can't we make more divisions in TAWHEED? Why not make 4 , 5 6 divisions and go on naming them? Which rule says that IF Ibn TAYMIAH does something it becomes a Rule for WAHABIS , but if some one else does it , it is a BIDDAH??
Please read below and you decide! This happend when a recent Wahabi scholar made the 4th division of tawheed !! He was called a BIDDATEE ( INNOVATOR) BY OTHER WAHABIS!!
So the wahabi rule is : Only Ibn Taymiah can add anyhting to Wahabism and his addition makes him "sheikhul Islam" but if another Wahabi adds something he is called a Biddatee( Innovator)!!
This issue indicates that the (Wahabis)pseudo-Salafiyya are shallow in their manhaj and lack a definite and concrete Usul in aqeeda and other affairs! Let us see how these people are divided on this issue of "Tawhid al-Hakimiyya"( The 4th division in Tawheed made by a recent WAHABI).
Read the Quote from their own websites and scholars below.
Pseudo-Salafiyya are divided on "Tawhid al-Hakimiyya":
1) Salih al-Fawzan
Questioner 1: There is someone who has made a fourth category for Tawheed and called it Tawheed al-Haakimiyyah
Shaikh Fawzaan: [interjecting]... This is misguidance..., this is misguidance. This is misguidance and an [unnecessary] addition, which the people of knowledge have not affirmed. Tawheed is but two or three categories... this is contradictory, one person says Tawheed is only one category and another says it is four categories. All of this is misguidance.
Questioner 1: This person's evidence is that the basis for this categorisation...
Shaikh Fawzaan: [interjecting]... [words unclear].. Tawheed ul-Haakimiyyah an independent category and it does not enter into Tawheed ul-Uloohiyyah? It enters into Tawheed ul-Uloohiyyah! It is a type of worship and is a type of devotion to Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic
.Questioner 2: He says that these three categorisations, al-Uloohiyyah, ar-Ruboobiyyah and al-Asmaa was-Sifaat, he says that this is a matter which is arrived at by the ijtihaad of the scholars, or by way of investigation and analysis (istiqraa').
Shaikh Fawzaan: That is sufficient for us, we will not add to what they have unanimously agreed upon, and they agree upon this.. [then] there comes an ignoramus in the twentieth century... he says 'I am a Mujtahid and I will add to what the People of Knowledge have agreed upon'. This is misguidance...
Questioner 2: [interjecting]...Shaikh Fawzaan:This is clear error! Because al-Haakimiyyah enters into Tawheed ul-Uloohiyyah. Who has made it another category or made it an independent category? Will he make the prayer into a fifth or sixth category and jihaad a seventh category? [Because] all of the types of worship are from the types of Tawheed? This is not correct...
Questioner 2: So this is an innovated saying, this saying [Tawheed ul-Haakimiyyah]?
Shaikh Fawzaan: Yes, there is no doubt in this, it is in opposition to the Ijmaa [of Ahl us-Sunnah]. None of the people of knowledge have ever spoken with it. It is in opposition to the Ijmaa." End
Comments: The Ruwaibidah have attempted on numerous occasions to distort the concepts of Sunnah and Salafiyyah and spread cancerous teachings within the body of the Ummah, introducing innovations and newly-invented matters under the guise of rectification and the fiqh of priorities.
When the Salafi Imaams and Mashayikh stood to refute this innovation, the political activists, then refrained from using the term "Tawheed ul-Haakimiyyah" and spoke just of "al-Haakimiyyah", but never did they repent and recant from this innovation - (the while the whole Ummah to them is apostate merely because of the absence of total Sharee'ah rule - and such was their absolution and generalisation - having derived this teaching from their sayyid, Sayyid Qutb) [1].
And Despite the fact that there was unanimous agreement on this issue amongst the major and senior scholars, another one of their well known ploys was unleashed. To portray this issue as one of ijtihaad in which the people of knowledge differ. To this end they used the words of Shaikh Ibn Ghunayman which they thought supported them but which were in reality against them – as we shall see further below. So they made it permissible for themselves to depart from the Ijmaa of Ahl us-Sunnah, to deviate from the muhkam and instead to follow what was other than that and which was but ambiguous.
The Statement of Shaikh al-Ghunayman
One of those upon whose words the Qutubiyyah( A SECT IN WAHABISM) relied upon is Shaikh al-Ghunayman. The Shaikh stated when asked about Tawhid ul-Haakimiyyah, "It is not permissible to deny Tawheed al-Haakimiyyah, for it is from the types of Tawheed. But it falls under Tawheed al-‘Ibaadah with regards to the ruler himself as a person. With regards to it meaning Tawheed, then it falls under ar-Ruboobeeyyah, because the Ruler is Allaah. So it should be that the Rabb is the Muttasarrif (Controller of affairs), He is the One who has the Hukm, so it falls under Tawheed Ar-Ruboobiyyah with regards to ruling, ordering, prohibiting, and carrying out, whereas regards to application and action then the slave is responsible for following the Hukm of Allaah, so then it is from Tawheed Al-‘Ibaadah in this sense. And making it into a fourth category doesn’t make sense because it falls into the three categories. And the division without a reason is a cause of extra words which are not needed, and it is a simple matter anyway. If he makes it a separate category then he is being redundant, and there is no harm it."
ii) Ibn Uthaymin:
Shaikh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-'Uthaimeen was asked concerning this, and he replied that: "Whoever claims that there is a fourth category of tawheed under the title 'Tawheed al-Haakimiyyah' is to be counted as an innovator (mubtadi'). So this is an innovated categorisation which emanates from an ignorant person who does not understand anything of the affairs of 'aqeedah and the deen. This is because 'al-Haakimiyyah' falls within Tawheedur-Ruboobiyyah from the aspect that Allaah decrees whatever He wills.
It also enters under Tawheedur-Ruboobiyyah in that the servant must worship Allaah according to what He has decreed. So it does not fall outside the three categories of tawheed, which are: Tawheedur-Ruboobiyyah, Tawheedul-Uloohiyyah and Tawheedul-Asmaa was-Sifaat."
Then, when asked, 'How are we to rebut them?' he replied:
"We rebut them by saying to them, 'What does 'al-Haakimiyyah' mean?' It does not mean except their saying that judgement/decree is for Allaah alone ' and that is Tawheedur-Ruboobiyyah. So Allaah, He is the Lord, the Creator, the Sovereign Owner, the One in control of the affairs. But as for what they intend by it and an explanation of the danger of this idea of theirs, then we do not know their intentions and desire, so therefore we cannot estimate the seriousness of this matter.'
Taken from 'al-Muslimoon,' no. 639, 25th of Dhul-Hijjah 1417H which corresponds to Friday the 2nd of May 1997
iii) Al-Albani:
Shaikh Muhammad Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee was asked, "Our Shaikh, may Allaah bless you, the scholars of the Salaf, may Allaah have mercy upon them, mention that Tawheed is of three types: 'ar-Ruboobiyyah,' 'al-Uloohiyyah' and 'al-Asmaa was-Sifaat,' so is it correct for us to say that there is a fourth Tawheed that is 'Tawheedul-Haakimiyyah' or 'Tawheed of Judgement?' So he replied:"
'Al-Haakimiyyah' is a branch of the branches of Tawheedul-Uloohiyyah, and those who focus their attention upon this newly invented saying in the present age use it as a weapon not to teach the Muslims the Tawheed that all of the Prophets and Messengers came with, but rather as apolitical weapon. So if you wish I will establish for you what I have just said, even though this question has repeatedly been answered by me, many times - or if you wish we will continue upon our topic.
I have said in similar circumstances, as support for what I have just said, that usage of the word 'al-Haakimyyah' is part of the political da'wah that is particular to some of the parties present today; and I will mention here something that occurred between myself and someone who gave the khutbah in one of the mosques of Damascus. So on the day of Jumu'ah he gave a khutbah which was all about judgement/decree being for Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic. But this person made an error with regard to a matter of fiqh. So after he had finished the prayer I went forward to him and gave him 'salaam,' and said to him, 'O my brother, you did so and so, and that is contrary to the Sunnah.' So he said to me, 'I am a Hanafee, and the Hanafee madhhab says what I have done.' So I said, 'Subhaanallaah! You have given khutbah that judgement/decree is just for Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, but you only use this word to attack those rulers whom you think are Unbelievers because they do not rule according to the Islamic Sharee'ah. But you have forgotten about yourselves - that Allaah's decree/judgement covers every Muslim. So why, when I say to you that the Messenger did so and so, why do you say, 'But my madhhab is such and such.' Then you have contradicted that which you call the people to.
'So if it were not for the fact that they use this saying as a tool for political propaganda of theirs, then we would say, 'This is our merchandise that has been returned to us.
'So the da'wah that we call the people to contains 'al-Haakimiyyah' and other than 'al-Haakimiyyah': Tawheedul-Uloohiyyah and Tawheed of worship - that which you concentrate upon enters within it. We are the ones who propagated what you mention whilst you are focusing upon 'al-Haakimiyyah,' the hadeeth of Hudhayfah ibn al-Yamaan, that when the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa-sallam) recited this ayah to his noble Companions:
They (the Jews and the Christians) took the Rabbis and learned men as lords besides Allaah. Soorah at-Tawbah (9):31then 'Adiyy ibn Haatim at-Taa'ee said, 'By Allaah, O Messenger of Allaah, we did not take them as lords besides Allaah.' So he said, 'When they made something lawful forbidden for you, had you not used to declare it forbidden; and when they made lawful something forbidden, had you not used to take it as being lawful?' He said, 'As for that, then it did used to happen.' He said, 'Then that is your taking them as lords besides Allaah.
'So we are the ones who propagated this hadeeth, and then it reached the others. Then they advanced one part of Tawheedul-Uloohiyyah or worship, with this innovated title for political aims.
So I do not see anything (wrong) in a terminology such as this if only they had not left it as mere propaganda without their acting as it requires. So it is, as I have just mentioned, a part of Tawheed of worship - but you will see them worshipping Allaah in whatever manner each of them feels like, and if it is said, as we have just mentioned in the incident of the man who gave the khutbah, 'that someone is acting contrary to the Sunnah,' or 'this is something contrary to the saying of the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa-sallam),' then he says, 'My madhhab is such and such.
'That judgement/decree is for Allaah alone is not just a proof against the Unbelievers and the mushriks, but also against anyone who transgresses against Allaah by contradicting what came from Allaah in His Book, and from His Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa-sallam) in his Sunnah. This is what I have as a reply to the likes of this question."Taken from 'al-Muslimoon,' no. 639, 25th of Dhul-Hijjah 1417H which corresponds to Friday the 2nd of May 1997-----------------------------------------------------------
iv) The Committee of "Major Scholars" on Tawhid al-Hakimiyyah
Question: "Some people, from the callers, have begun giving importance to mentioning 'Tawheedul-Haakimiyyah' in addition to the three well-known categories of Tawheed. So does this fourth category enter within the three categories? or not ' such that we make it a separate category which we must give (extra) importance to?
And it is said that Shaikh Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab gave attention to Tawheedul-Uloohiyyah in his time when he saw that the people fell short of Tawheed in that aspect, and that Imaam Ahmad in his time gave attention to Tawheedul-Asmaa was-Sifaat when he saw the people falling short of Tawheed in that aspect. But as for today then the people fall short with regard to Tawheedul-Haakimiyyah, so therefore we must give attention to it. So how correct is this saying?"
Answer: "Tahweed is of three categories: Tawheedur-Ruboobiyyah, Tawheedul-Uloohiyyah and Tawheedul-Asmaa was-Sifaat, and there is no fourth category. And judging by what Allaah sent down comes under Tawheedul-Uloohiyyah since it is from the types of worship due to Allaah, the One free of all imperfections, and all of the types of worship fall under Tawheedul-Uloohiyyah. Then making 'al-Haakimiyyah' a separate category is an innovated matter, which has not been the saying of any of the scholars as far as we know.
However there were some of them who generalised and said that Tawheed is of two classes: Tawheed of things known and affirmed (al-Ma'rifah wal-Ithbaat) - and it is Tawheedur-Ruboobiyyah and Tawheedul-Asmaa was-Sifaat; and Tawheed of purpose and intentions (at-Talab wal-Qasd) - and it is Tawheedul-Uloohiyyah. Then there are others who particularise and so place Tawheed in three categories, as has preceded, and Allaah knows best.
So it is obligatory to give attention to all of Tawheedul-Uloohiyyah, and to begin by forbidding shirk, since it is the greatest of sins and annuls all of the deeds, and a person upon it will remain for ever in the Fire. Also all of the Prophets began with the command to worship Allaah alone and the forbiddance of shirk; and Allaah has commanded us to follow their way and to proceed upon their methodology in da'wah and the rest of the affairs of the deen. So giving attention to tawheed with its three categories is obligatory in every time, since shirk and denial/divestment (ta'teel) of the names and attributes are still found, indeed they occur very often and their danger increases towards the end of time, and the seriousness of these two is a matter hidden from many of the Muslims, and those who call to these two are many and active. So occurrence of shirk is not something restricted to the time of Shaikh Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab, nor is denial/divestment (ta'teel) of the names and attributes restricted to the time of Imaam Ahmad, rahimahullaah, as occurs in the question. Rather their danger has increased and their prevalence has grown in Muslim societies today. So they are in the greatest need of those who will forbid from falling into them and who will make clear their danger. Whilst knowing that being upright upon the commands of Allaah and avoidance of what He forbids and applying/judging by His Sharee'ah, all of that falls under realisation of Tawheed and remaining free from shirk.
And may Allaah extol and send peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his true followers and his Companions.
Taken from 'al-Muslimoon,' no. 639, 25th of Dhul-Hijjah 1417H which corresponds to Friday the 2nd of May 1997.
Haakimiyyah( A WAHABI SECT) is where the Jihadi/Qutubi Salafis break off from the regime loyalist/Madkhali types.
Madhkahli( A WAHABI SECT)=These are the people who're labeled as the Saudi Government supports (or scholars for dollars at it is termed from others.From the 'followers' of sheikh Rabia Ibn Hadi Al-Madkhali and Zayd Al-Madkhali )
Qutbi=( A wahabi sect) These people blindly follow Syed Qutub. But the Madkhalis have called "Qutbis" as deviant, evil and corrupted in Aqidah on their website!
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