As-Salamu alykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
There is no doubt that the ultimate success is to enter through the gates of Paradise and to be among the inhabitants of a place where there is no suffering, no discomfort and no hardship. But as human beings, we tend to be easily distracted and tend to forget about our ultimate goal.
Ticket No.1 – Praying the Congregation Prayer at the Masjid
The Prophet (S.A.W) said, “Allah will prepare for him who goes to the Masjid in the morning and in the afternoon for congregation prayer an honorable place in Paradise with good hospitality.”
From the benefits of this hadith:
The virtue of travelling to the Masjid.
The Messenger (S.A.W) was asked about that which mostly enters people the paradise so he said “the fear of Allah and good character” and he was asked about that which mostly enters people the hellfire and he said “the mouth and the private parts”. [At-Tirmidhi -]
This hadith shows two types of actions which are a reason for one entering the paradise just as it shows two types of actions which are a reason for one entering the hellfire.
The two actions which help one enter paradise are:
The Messenger (S.A.W) said, “All my nation will enter the Paradise except those who refuse.” The companions asked, “O Rasulullah! Who would refuse?” He (S.A.W) then said, “Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise and whoever disobeys me has indeed refused (to go to Paradise).”
[Sahih Al-Bukhari]
This hadith is evidence for one of the greatest principles in Islam which states that one may not enter paradise unless they follow the path of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). The Prophet (S.A.W) mentioned that by obeying him one will enter paradise and by disobeying him and following paths other than his path, one has rejected paradise. So from this we benefit that there is no path which leads to paradise except the path of Muhammad (S.A.W)as Allah Almighty states “Say, (O Muhammad) If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and will forgive your sins; Indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” [Quran 3:31]. So Allah tied His love with following and obeying the Prophet (S.A.W)which means that by not following the Prophets Sunnah one may not achieve the love of Allah.
Ticket No.4 – Seeking Islamic Knowledge
The Messenger (S.A.W) said, “He who treads the path in search of (Islamic) knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise.” [Sahih Muslim]
We benefit from this hadith the following:
The Messenger (S.A.W) said, “Whoever builds a Masjid for the Sake of Allah, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.” [Sahih Al-Bukhari]
The Masajid are the houses of Allah and they are the most honorable places in this world. The Prophet (S.A.W) showed us that the reward a person receives for building a Masjid for the sake of Allah is that Allah will build for them a house in paradise. The condition of receiving this great reward is sincerity as the Prophet (S.A.W) mentioned in the hadith “for the sake of Allah” which means that if a person was to build it for other reasons such as reputation or to be praised by people, they are forbidden from this great reward. The hadith also shows the great bounty which Allah has upon His creation whereby He gives such a great reward for this action.
Ticket No.6 – Avoiding Argument
The Messenger (S.A.W) said, “I guarantee a house in the surroundings of Paradise for a person who avoids quarreling, even if knows he is in the right.”[Abu Dawud ~ Hadith Sahih]
This hadith shows the virtue of good manners and that the person who has good manners is rewarded with a house in paradise. So whoever avoids quarreling for the sake of Allah, the Prophet (S.A.W)has guaranteed for them a house in paradise, this is because avoiding quarreling keeps the hearts closer and prevents hatred between the Muslims.
Ticket No.7 – Avoiding Lie
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “I guarantee a house in the middle of Paradise for a person who avoids lying, even if he was joking.” [Abu Dawud ~ Hadith Sahih]
This hadith is a continuation of the previous hadith. The Prophet (S.A.W)here guarantees a house in the middle of paradise for those who avoid lying even if it is a joke. So a Muslim should not prevent himself or herself from this great reward by lying and should strive to always speak the truth.
Ticket No.8 – Good Character
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “I guarantee a house in the upper part of Paradise for a person who has good character.” [Abu Dawud ~ Hadith Sahih]
This hadith is a continuation of the previous two ahaadith. This hadith shows the high status of good manners whereby the Prophet (S.A.W)guaranteed the person who has good manners a house in the upper part of paradise.
Ticket No.9 – Ablution After Impurity and Praying Two Units of Prayer After the Athaan
The Messenger (S.A.W)called upon Bilal (R.A)and said, ‘What did you do to deserve entering Paradise? For I have heard the rustling of your garment in front of me in Paradise.” He replied, “O Messenger of Allah! I have never called the Athaan except that I have prayed two units of prayer after it, and no impurity has ever happened to me except that I have made ablution after it.” Rasulullah (S.A.W) then said, “It is because of them.” [Ibn Khuzaimah ~ Hadith Sahih]
We benefit from this hadith:
Bilal (R.A)is from the people of paradise because the Prophet (S.A.W)witnessed this for him whereby he heard his footsteps in paradise.
Rabi’ah ibn Ka’b Al-Aslami (R.A)narrated, “I was with the Messenger (S.A.W)one night, bringing him some water. He (S.A.W)said, “Ask (for anything you wish).” I said, “I ask for your company in Paradise.” He (S.A.W)said, “Ask for anything else besides that.” I said, “That is all I wish.” The Messenger (S.A.W)then said, “Then help me to achieve this for you by devoting yourself to prostration frequently.”" [Sahih Muslim]
Rabi’ah Ibn Ka’ab (R.A)brought some water for the Prophet (S.A.W)in order to perform ablution, so the Prophet (S.A.W)told him to ask for whatever he wished for, and Rabi’ah asked him to make him his companion in paradise (to make dua’a to Allah to make him his companion in paradise). This was the way of the companions (R.A) whereby their main goal and aim was the hereafter and this world to them was considered to be nothing but a short journey.
The Prophet (S.A.W)informed Rabi’ah that in order to achieve this great bounty (the Prophet’s companionship in paradise) one must constantly prostrate to Allah Almighty. The meaning of prostration here is Salat (prayer) because in the Arabic language one may call Salat Sujood (prostration).
Ticket No.11 – Performing Hajj
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “The reward for an accepted hajj is nothing less than Paradise.”
Performing Hajj is a pillar from the pillars of Islam and this hadith is evidence that an accepted hajj has no reward except paradise.
The scholars defined an accepted hajj as the hajj which is free from:
Rafath (sexual engagement)
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “Whoever recites Ayat Al-Kursiy after each obligatory prayer, then nothing stands in his way to Paradise except death.” [An-Nasaa'i -]
This hadith shows the virtue of reciting Ayat Al-Kursi after each compulsory prayer whereby the Prophet (S.A.W)mentioned that whoever recites it after each prayer, there is nothing standing between him and paradise except death.
This Ayah (verse) has many virtues, from these virtues are:
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “Whoever prays twelve units (of voluntary prayer) during the night and day, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.” [At-Tirmidhi ~ Hadith Sahih]
The twelve units of voluntary prayer mentioned in this hadith consists of:
Four (4) units before Dhuhr and two (2) units after it
The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W)said “Allah has ninety nine names, one less than a hundred, whoever perfects them enters paradise”. [Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim]
The Prophet (S.A.W)mentions in this hadih that Allah Almighty has 99 names and whoever perfects these 99 names enters paradise. Allah’s names are not restricted to 99, what this hadith means is that whoever perfects these 99 names enters paradise.
The meaning of “perfecting” Allah’s names is to affirm them, memorize them and understand their meanings.
Ticket No.15 – Four Simple Deeds
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “O mankind! Spread the salutation, feed the poor and needy, join the ties of kinship and offer prayers at night while the people are asleep and you shall enter Paradise in peace.” [Ibn Majah]
This hadith shows four types of worship which help one enter paradise with no hardship.
These four actions are:
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “If a woman observes her five daily prayers, fasts during the month of Ramadhan, guards her chastity and obeys her husband, she may enter Paradise through any of the gates she wishes.” [Ibn Hibban ~ Hadith Sahih]
This hadith shows the bounty of Allah which He has bestowed upon the Muslimah (Muslim woman) whereby she is granted paradise and given the choice to enter through any gate she pleases if she is able to perform these certain acts.
These acts are:
Constantly prays her five daily prayers.
Ticket No.17 – Looking After One’s Daughters or Sisters
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “Whoever has three daughters or three sisters, cares for them and disciplines them, he and I shall be like this is in Paradise” – as he was putting his index and middle fingers together.” [Abu Ya'la ]
This hadith shows the virtue and importance of caring for ones daughters and sisters whereby the Prophet (S.A.W) mentioned that whoever has three daughters or three sisters and cares for them and disciplines them, they will be in paradise with the companionship of the Prophet (S.A.W).
The hadith states three sisters or three daughters but this also applies to those who have more or less than three as clarified in other authentic narrations of this hadith.
Islam emphasises on the importance of caring for our daughters & sisters due to their fragileness & sensitivity,so they require to be protected by their fathers & brothers so that no harm may be done to them
Ticket No.18 – Showing Patience at the Death of One’s Children
The Messenger (S.A.W) said “There is no women amongst you whom has 3 of her children die before her except that they will be a barrier for her from hell fire” A women then asked the Messenger “and even 2?” and He (S.A.W) replied “and even 2”. [ Sahih]
This hadith shows the virtue of having patience at the death of one’s child whereby the Prophet (S.A.W)mentioned that if a person loses 3 or 2 children and remains patient for their loss and awaits the reward with Allah Almighty, Allah will place a barrier between them and hellfire (grant them paradise) for their patience.
Ticket No.19 – Sponsoring an Orphan
The Messenger (S.A.W) said “I and the one who sponsors an orphan will be in Paradise like these 2” and he gestured with his forefinger & middle finger, holding them apart. [Sahih Al-Bukhari]
This hadith shows the virtue and rewards of the guardian of an orphan whereby the Messenger (S.A.W)mentioned that he and the guardian of an orphan are in paradise like this (and he gestured with his two fingers). The guardian of an orphan is the one who protects the orphan and spends on him from his wealth. This action is highly praised in Islam and has a great reward, the one who performs it will be close to the messenger (S.A.W)in paradise just like the two fingers if they are gestured together. It does not mean that he will be in the same level as the Messenger (S.A.W)because the messengers have a position in paradise which no other person may achieve.
Ticket No.20 – Visiting a Sick Muslim
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “The one who visits the sick is like a person who is in a fruit garden of Paradise until he returns.” [Sahih Muslim]
The Prophet (S.A.W)in this hadith shows the importance and virtue of visiting the sick whereby he mentioned that the person who visits a sick person remains like a person who is in a garden of paradise until he returns. It is also from the Sunnah of the Prophet (S.A.W)that one says to the sick person while visiting them “I ask Allah Al-‘Atheem, the Lord of the ‘Arsh Al-‘Atheem to cure you” seven times as the Prophet (S.A.W)mentioned that it will be cure for them by the will of Allah
Ticket No.21 – Leniency in Trade
The Messenger (S.A.W) said, “Allah The Most Great admitted a person into Paradise because he was lenient in his buying, selling, paying & demanding of his money back.” [Al-Bukhari in At-Tareekh Al-kabiir]
This hadith shows the virtue of being lenient in trade whereby the Prophet (S.A.W) mentioned that Allah granted paradise to a man who was lenient in his trade by fearing Allah in his buying, selling and loaning, also by being forgiving towards others if they struggle to repay their debts towards him and not pressuring them to sell their valuables in order to repay him.
Ticket No.22 – Forgiving a Debtor who is in Hardship
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “There was a merchant who used to lend to the people, and whenever his debtor was in straitened circumstances he would say to his employees, ‘Forgive him so that Allah may forgive us.’ So Allah forgave him.”[Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim]
This hadith shows the virtue of being lenient and forgiving to those whom owe you a debt whereby the prophet (S.A.W) mentioned that a man used to order his employees to collect the debts owed to him by others and he would tell his employees that if you find the person in difficult circumstances then forgive them so that Allah may forgive us for forgiving them. Once this person died and met Allah, Allah forgave them for this deed that they had sincerely performed.
Ticket No.23 – Four Good Deeds
The Messenger (S.A.W)asked, “Who is fasting today?” Abu Bakr (R.A)replied, “Me”. The Messenger (S.A.W)asked, “Who has followed a funeral procession today?” Abu Bakr (R.A)replied, “Me”. The Messenger (S.A.W)asked, “Who has fed a poor person today?” Abu Bakr (R.A)replied, “Me”. The Messenger (S.A.W)asked, “Who has visited a sick person today?” Abu Bakr (R.A)replied, “Me”. The Messenger (S.A.W)then said, “Any person that has done these four things in one day will enter Paradise.” [Sahih Muslim]
This hadith shows the virtue of performing four types of actions in one single day whereby the prophet (S.A.W)mentioned that the person who does these four actions in one day will be granted paradise.
These four actions are:
1.Fasting. 2.Visiting a sick person 3.Following a funeral procession 4.Feeding a poor person
The hadith also shows the virtue of Abu Bakr Al-Sideeq (R.A)when the prophet (S.A.W) asked who had performed these actions it was he who had performed them. He is the greatest companion of the prophet (S.A.W) and was always the first in performing good deeds may Allah be pleased with him.
Ticket No.24 – Showing Patience at the Loss of One’s Sights
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “Allah The Most High has said, ‘If I take away the eyesight of a slave of Mine and he shows patience and seeks My reward, then I shall reward him with nothing less than Paradise.”‘ [Sahih Al-Bukhari]
This hadith shows the virtue of being patient at the loss of one’s eyesight whereby the prophet (S.A.W) mentioned that the person who loses their eyesight, remains patient and awaits the reward with Allah Almighty, Allah will grant them paradise.
Ticket No.25 – Being Pleased with Allah as your Lord
The Messenger (S.A.W)said “Whoever says ‘I am pleased with Allah as my Lord, Islam as my religion and Muhammad (S.A.W)as my Prophet’ paradise becomes compulsory for them. [Abu Dawud
This hadith shows the mercy of Allah Almighty whereby He (S.W.T)gives such great reward and makes paradise compulsory for a person in return for such a small action which requires little effort. This does not mean that the utterance of these words is sufficient, one must also act upon these words by worshipping Allah Almighty alone and making Him unique in Lordship, Worship and in His names and attributes (this is being pleased with Allah as our Lord), following the Shariah of Islam and striving to perform that which it orders and avoid that which it prohibits (this is being plesed with Islam as our religion) and following the Sunnah of the Messenger (S.A.W)and taking his path and rejecting all other paths (this is being pleased with Muhammad (S.A.W)as our Prophet).
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
There is no doubt that the ultimate success is to enter through the gates of Paradise and to be among the inhabitants of a place where there is no suffering, no discomfort and no hardship. But as human beings, we tend to be easily distracted and tend to forget about our ultimate goal.
Ticket No.1 – Praying the Congregation Prayer at the Masjid
The Prophet (S.A.W) said, “Allah will prepare for him who goes to the Masjid in the morning and in the afternoon for congregation prayer an honorable place in Paradise with good hospitality.”
From the benefits of this hadith:
The virtue of travelling to the Masjid.
- The virtue of constantly praying in congregation.
- The actions of people are gathered with Allah.
- It shows the great bounty of Allah upon His slaves whereby he gives such a great reward for such a small act.
The Messenger (S.A.W) was asked about that which mostly enters people the paradise so he said “the fear of Allah and good character” and he was asked about that which mostly enters people the hellfire and he said “the mouth and the private parts”. [At-Tirmidhi -]
This hadith shows two types of actions which are a reason for one entering the paradise just as it shows two types of actions which are a reason for one entering the hellfire.
The two actions which help one enter paradise are:
- Taqwah (fear of Allah) – The scholars defined Taqwah as “placing a barrier between yourself and the punishment of Allah by performing that which He ordered and abstaining from that which He prohibited”.
- Good character – The meaning of this is to have good character towards the creation. The lowest form of good character is not to harm people and its highest form is to do good to those who do bad to you.
- The mouth – Speaking that which displeases Allah
- The private parts – All forms of adultery
The Messenger (S.A.W) said, “All my nation will enter the Paradise except those who refuse.” The companions asked, “O Rasulullah! Who would refuse?” He (S.A.W) then said, “Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise and whoever disobeys me has indeed refused (to go to Paradise).”
[Sahih Al-Bukhari]
This hadith is evidence for one of the greatest principles in Islam which states that one may not enter paradise unless they follow the path of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). The Prophet (S.A.W) mentioned that by obeying him one will enter paradise and by disobeying him and following paths other than his path, one has rejected paradise. So from this we benefit that there is no path which leads to paradise except the path of Muhammad (S.A.W)as Allah Almighty states “Say, (O Muhammad) If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and will forgive your sins; Indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” [Quran 3:31]. So Allah tied His love with following and obeying the Prophet (S.A.W)which means that by not following the Prophets Sunnah one may not achieve the love of Allah.
Ticket No.4 – Seeking Islamic Knowledge
The Messenger (S.A.W) said, “He who treads the path in search of (Islamic) knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise.” [Sahih Muslim]
We benefit from this hadith the following:
- The virtue of Islamic knowledge.
- The virtue of travelling in order to gain knowledge.
- The hadith is evidence that seeking knowledge is a worship and the scholars mentioned that it is the greatest worship after the compulsory actions. Ibn Abaas (R.A) said “studying throughout the night is more beloved to me than praying the night.
The Messenger (S.A.W) said, “Whoever builds a Masjid for the Sake of Allah, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.” [Sahih Al-Bukhari]
The Masajid are the houses of Allah and they are the most honorable places in this world. The Prophet (S.A.W) showed us that the reward a person receives for building a Masjid for the sake of Allah is that Allah will build for them a house in paradise. The condition of receiving this great reward is sincerity as the Prophet (S.A.W) mentioned in the hadith “for the sake of Allah” which means that if a person was to build it for other reasons such as reputation or to be praised by people, they are forbidden from this great reward. The hadith also shows the great bounty which Allah has upon His creation whereby He gives such a great reward for this action.
Ticket No.6 – Avoiding Argument
The Messenger (S.A.W) said, “I guarantee a house in the surroundings of Paradise for a person who avoids quarreling, even if knows he is in the right.”[Abu Dawud ~ Hadith Sahih]
This hadith shows the virtue of good manners and that the person who has good manners is rewarded with a house in paradise. So whoever avoids quarreling for the sake of Allah, the Prophet (S.A.W)has guaranteed for them a house in paradise, this is because avoiding quarreling keeps the hearts closer and prevents hatred between the Muslims.
Ticket No.7 – Avoiding Lie
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “I guarantee a house in the middle of Paradise for a person who avoids lying, even if he was joking.” [Abu Dawud ~ Hadith Sahih]
This hadith is a continuation of the previous hadith. The Prophet (S.A.W)here guarantees a house in the middle of paradise for those who avoid lying even if it is a joke. So a Muslim should not prevent himself or herself from this great reward by lying and should strive to always speak the truth.
Ticket No.8 – Good Character
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “I guarantee a house in the upper part of Paradise for a person who has good character.” [Abu Dawud ~ Hadith Sahih]
This hadith is a continuation of the previous two ahaadith. This hadith shows the high status of good manners whereby the Prophet (S.A.W)guaranteed the person who has good manners a house in the upper part of paradise.
Ticket No.9 – Ablution After Impurity and Praying Two Units of Prayer After the Athaan
The Messenger (S.A.W)called upon Bilal (R.A)and said, ‘What did you do to deserve entering Paradise? For I have heard the rustling of your garment in front of me in Paradise.” He replied, “O Messenger of Allah! I have never called the Athaan except that I have prayed two units of prayer after it, and no impurity has ever happened to me except that I have made ablution after it.” Rasulullah (S.A.W) then said, “It is because of them.” [Ibn Khuzaimah ~ Hadith Sahih]
We benefit from this hadith:
Bilal (R.A)is from the people of paradise because the Prophet (S.A.W)witnessed this for him whereby he heard his footsteps in paradise.
- The virtue of praying two units of prayer after athaan because this was one of the reasons that the Prophet (S.A.W)heard Bilal’s (R.A)steps in paradise.
- The virtue of performing ablution after impurity.
Rabi’ah ibn Ka’b Al-Aslami (R.A)narrated, “I was with the Messenger (S.A.W)one night, bringing him some water. He (S.A.W)said, “Ask (for anything you wish).” I said, “I ask for your company in Paradise.” He (S.A.W)said, “Ask for anything else besides that.” I said, “That is all I wish.” The Messenger (S.A.W)then said, “Then help me to achieve this for you by devoting yourself to prostration frequently.”" [Sahih Muslim]
Rabi’ah Ibn Ka’ab (R.A)brought some water for the Prophet (S.A.W)in order to perform ablution, so the Prophet (S.A.W)told him to ask for whatever he wished for, and Rabi’ah asked him to make him his companion in paradise (to make dua’a to Allah to make him his companion in paradise). This was the way of the companions (R.A) whereby their main goal and aim was the hereafter and this world to them was considered to be nothing but a short journey.
The Prophet (S.A.W)informed Rabi’ah that in order to achieve this great bounty (the Prophet’s companionship in paradise) one must constantly prostrate to Allah Almighty. The meaning of prostration here is Salat (prayer) because in the Arabic language one may call Salat Sujood (prostration).
Ticket No.11 – Performing Hajj
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “The reward for an accepted hajj is nothing less than Paradise.”
Performing Hajj is a pillar from the pillars of Islam and this hadith is evidence that an accepted hajj has no reward except paradise.
The scholars defined an accepted hajj as the hajj which is free from:
Rafath (sexual engagement)
- Fusooq (sins)
- Jidaal (arguing).
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “Whoever recites Ayat Al-Kursiy after each obligatory prayer, then nothing stands in his way to Paradise except death.” [An-Nasaa'i -]
This hadith shows the virtue of reciting Ayat Al-Kursi after each compulsory prayer whereby the Prophet (S.A.W)mentioned that whoever recites it after each prayer, there is nothing standing between him and paradise except death.
This Ayah (verse) has many virtues, from these virtues are:
- The Prophet described it as the greatest ayah in the Quran
- It is considered to be protection from all types of evil.
- In it the Most Great Name of Allah (ismullahi al-atham) is mentioned.
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “Whoever prays twelve units (of voluntary prayer) during the night and day, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.” [At-Tirmidhi ~ Hadith Sahih]
The twelve units of voluntary prayer mentioned in this hadith consists of:
Four (4) units before Dhuhr and two (2) units after it
- Two (2) units after Maghrib 2.Two (2) units after Ishaa’ 3.Two (2) units before Fajr
The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W)said “Allah has ninety nine names, one less than a hundred, whoever perfects them enters paradise”. [Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim]
The Prophet (S.A.W)mentions in this hadih that Allah Almighty has 99 names and whoever perfects these 99 names enters paradise. Allah’s names are not restricted to 99, what this hadith means is that whoever perfects these 99 names enters paradise.
The meaning of “perfecting” Allah’s names is to affirm them, memorize them and understand their meanings.
Ticket No.15 – Four Simple Deeds
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “O mankind! Spread the salutation, feed the poor and needy, join the ties of kinship and offer prayers at night while the people are asleep and you shall enter Paradise in peace.” [Ibn Majah]
This hadith shows four types of worship which help one enter paradise with no hardship.
These four actions are:
- Spreading salutation (salam) by making it apparent to those whom you know and those whom you don’t know from the Muslims.
- Feeding the poor and needy by giving charity other than the Zakaat which is obligatory.
- Joining the ties of kinship from family and relatives.
- Praying the night prayers whilst everyone else is asleep. The final third of the night is considered to be the best time for this prayer because it is the time that Allah Almighty descends to the lowest heaven in order to forgive those whom are praying and grant them what they ask for
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “If a woman observes her five daily prayers, fasts during the month of Ramadhan, guards her chastity and obeys her husband, she may enter Paradise through any of the gates she wishes.” [Ibn Hibban ~ Hadith Sahih]
This hadith shows the bounty of Allah which He has bestowed upon the Muslimah (Muslim woman) whereby she is granted paradise and given the choice to enter through any gate she pleases if she is able to perform these certain acts.
These acts are:
Constantly prays her five daily prayers.
- Fasts the month of Ramadhan.
- Guards her chastity from all types of adultery.
- Obeys her husband in everything other than disobedience to Allah.
Ticket No.17 – Looking After One’s Daughters or Sisters
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “Whoever has three daughters or three sisters, cares for them and disciplines them, he and I shall be like this is in Paradise” – as he was putting his index and middle fingers together.” [Abu Ya'la ]
This hadith shows the virtue and importance of caring for ones daughters and sisters whereby the Prophet (S.A.W) mentioned that whoever has three daughters or three sisters and cares for them and disciplines them, they will be in paradise with the companionship of the Prophet (S.A.W).
The hadith states three sisters or three daughters but this also applies to those who have more or less than three as clarified in other authentic narrations of this hadith.
Islam emphasises on the importance of caring for our daughters & sisters due to their fragileness & sensitivity,so they require to be protected by their fathers & brothers so that no harm may be done to them
Ticket No.18 – Showing Patience at the Death of One’s Children
The Messenger (S.A.W) said “There is no women amongst you whom has 3 of her children die before her except that they will be a barrier for her from hell fire” A women then asked the Messenger “and even 2?” and He (S.A.W) replied “and even 2”. [ Sahih]
This hadith shows the virtue of having patience at the death of one’s child whereby the Prophet (S.A.W)mentioned that if a person loses 3 or 2 children and remains patient for their loss and awaits the reward with Allah Almighty, Allah will place a barrier between them and hellfire (grant them paradise) for their patience.
Ticket No.19 – Sponsoring an Orphan
The Messenger (S.A.W) said “I and the one who sponsors an orphan will be in Paradise like these 2” and he gestured with his forefinger & middle finger, holding them apart. [Sahih Al-Bukhari]
This hadith shows the virtue and rewards of the guardian of an orphan whereby the Messenger (S.A.W)mentioned that he and the guardian of an orphan are in paradise like this (and he gestured with his two fingers). The guardian of an orphan is the one who protects the orphan and spends on him from his wealth. This action is highly praised in Islam and has a great reward, the one who performs it will be close to the messenger (S.A.W)in paradise just like the two fingers if they are gestured together. It does not mean that he will be in the same level as the Messenger (S.A.W)because the messengers have a position in paradise which no other person may achieve.
Ticket No.20 – Visiting a Sick Muslim
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “The one who visits the sick is like a person who is in a fruit garden of Paradise until he returns.” [Sahih Muslim]
The Prophet (S.A.W)in this hadith shows the importance and virtue of visiting the sick whereby he mentioned that the person who visits a sick person remains like a person who is in a garden of paradise until he returns. It is also from the Sunnah of the Prophet (S.A.W)that one says to the sick person while visiting them “I ask Allah Al-‘Atheem, the Lord of the ‘Arsh Al-‘Atheem to cure you” seven times as the Prophet (S.A.W)mentioned that it will be cure for them by the will of Allah
Ticket No.21 – Leniency in Trade
The Messenger (S.A.W) said, “Allah The Most Great admitted a person into Paradise because he was lenient in his buying, selling, paying & demanding of his money back.” [Al-Bukhari in At-Tareekh Al-kabiir]
This hadith shows the virtue of being lenient in trade whereby the Prophet (S.A.W) mentioned that Allah granted paradise to a man who was lenient in his trade by fearing Allah in his buying, selling and loaning, also by being forgiving towards others if they struggle to repay their debts towards him and not pressuring them to sell their valuables in order to repay him.
Ticket No.22 – Forgiving a Debtor who is in Hardship
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “There was a merchant who used to lend to the people, and whenever his debtor was in straitened circumstances he would say to his employees, ‘Forgive him so that Allah may forgive us.’ So Allah forgave him.”[Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim]
This hadith shows the virtue of being lenient and forgiving to those whom owe you a debt whereby the prophet (S.A.W) mentioned that a man used to order his employees to collect the debts owed to him by others and he would tell his employees that if you find the person in difficult circumstances then forgive them so that Allah may forgive us for forgiving them. Once this person died and met Allah, Allah forgave them for this deed that they had sincerely performed.
Ticket No.23 – Four Good Deeds
The Messenger (S.A.W)asked, “Who is fasting today?” Abu Bakr (R.A)replied, “Me”. The Messenger (S.A.W)asked, “Who has followed a funeral procession today?” Abu Bakr (R.A)replied, “Me”. The Messenger (S.A.W)asked, “Who has fed a poor person today?” Abu Bakr (R.A)replied, “Me”. The Messenger (S.A.W)asked, “Who has visited a sick person today?” Abu Bakr (R.A)replied, “Me”. The Messenger (S.A.W)then said, “Any person that has done these four things in one day will enter Paradise.” [Sahih Muslim]
This hadith shows the virtue of performing four types of actions in one single day whereby the prophet (S.A.W)mentioned that the person who does these four actions in one day will be granted paradise.
These four actions are:
1.Fasting. 2.Visiting a sick person 3.Following a funeral procession 4.Feeding a poor person
The hadith also shows the virtue of Abu Bakr Al-Sideeq (R.A)when the prophet (S.A.W) asked who had performed these actions it was he who had performed them. He is the greatest companion of the prophet (S.A.W) and was always the first in performing good deeds may Allah be pleased with him.
Ticket No.24 – Showing Patience at the Loss of One’s Sights
The Messenger (S.A.W)said, “Allah The Most High has said, ‘If I take away the eyesight of a slave of Mine and he shows patience and seeks My reward, then I shall reward him with nothing less than Paradise.”‘ [Sahih Al-Bukhari]
This hadith shows the virtue of being patient at the loss of one’s eyesight whereby the prophet (S.A.W) mentioned that the person who loses their eyesight, remains patient and awaits the reward with Allah Almighty, Allah will grant them paradise.
Ticket No.25 – Being Pleased with Allah as your Lord
The Messenger (S.A.W)said “Whoever says ‘I am pleased with Allah as my Lord, Islam as my religion and Muhammad (S.A.W)as my Prophet’ paradise becomes compulsory for them. [Abu Dawud
This hadith shows the mercy of Allah Almighty whereby He (S.W.T)gives such great reward and makes paradise compulsory for a person in return for such a small action which requires little effort. This does not mean that the utterance of these words is sufficient, one must also act upon these words by worshipping Allah Almighty alone and making Him unique in Lordship, Worship and in His names and attributes (this is being pleased with Allah as our Lord), following the Shariah of Islam and striving to perform that which it orders and avoid that which it prohibits (this is being plesed with Islam as our religion) and following the Sunnah of the Messenger (S.A.W)and taking his path and rejecting all other paths (this is being pleased with Muhammad (S.A.W)as our Prophet).
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