

Friday, 13 January 2012

Prayers to Raise Nur in Sight(eyes)

The second item of the Prayer in Dua-e-Nur (Prayer for Nur) is for the SIGht in which raise of Divine Light is sought by Holy Prophet Mohammed (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)
Eyes are an immense blessing from Allah to His creatures. Sight is an important blessing in one's life otherwise the existence would remain in dark.

It is not that the seeing of the object on the earth and the sky should make one happy and contented but one should have a deep desire to see the hidden treasures of the whole Universe during one's life time and the hereafter through the spiritual eye which is hidden in the heart.
"With eye of the heart they have seen God" said Sufi master Abu Said ibn Abil- Khayr of the Fifth Haj’ri century.
Normally, the sight of the Human eye has a limit of seeing up to a limited distance. It cannot see behind nor can it penetrate through a wall or other non-transparent things or opaque objects in front of it. Whereas, Prophets and Saints having been blessed by Divine Light have absolutely no barriers before them, behind them, above them or below them to obstruct them from seeing very clearly whatever they want without any restriction of time limit of the past, present or even future. The eyes of the beloved friends of Allah being graced by brilliant shining Light by Him become so powerful that they can even cure disease by a mere look at the ailing person.
"NIGAHE MARD-E-MOMIN SE BADAL JA Tl HAIN TAQDEERAIN".... (Allama lqbal). One sharp look of a Momin's eye i.e. eye of a true Muslim eyes would be more than enough to revolutionise the destiny of the people.
Caliph Hazrat Umer (r.a.) whilst giving sermons in a Mosque in Medina suddenly shouted "Ya SariyaAl-Jabal AI-Jabal" (Ho! Sariya towards the hill towards the hill) to the Muslim army fighting hundreds of miles away to correct their positions. The army at the other end heard and recognised the voice of their Caliph and moved towards the hill accordingly and was successful in the battle. These were the enlightened eyes and the tongues which did see and speak over long distances.
Sura "ARAF" Ayat 179. Allah says...They have the hearts wherewith they do not understand, they have the eyes with which hey do not see and They have the ears with which they do not hear....
"HAJ" 46 Allah says....Truly, it is not their eyes that are blind but their hearts which are in their breast.
The two verses quoted from the Holy Quran make it necessary for the believers  to strive for the raising of the light of Allah in their inner eyes. May Allah the Merciful grant the raised light of the inner eyes to striving believers. Ameen

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