

Friday, 13 January 2012

Prayer to Raise Nur in Sinews, Flesh, Blood, Hair, Countenance & Bones

Raise Nur in Sinews, Flesh, Blood, Hair, Countenance & Bones

The Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) prayed from the raising of the Light for aforesaid six parts of the body.
SINEWS means: - Muscles, Bodily strength. Motive power etc.,
COUNTENANCE means: - Face, Facial expressions.
The prayers for the said parts of the body for raising the Light in them was not only for the maintenance of good health of the body during the life time but also its eternal continuity even after being laid lo rest after breathing his last.
If a skeleton of a human body is examined in museum or elsewhere, it would be seen that there would not be any sign of sinews, flesh, blood, hair, countenance, or any other thing which body used to consist of whilst it was alive except the bones displaying the frame of the body. Now, if the skeleton is buried in mud the whole skeleton would also disappear as it will be consumed in the mud in a few years.
In the Holy Quran Allah has said in Sura Al-Imran—169 which is quoted below:-
..Think not (consider not) of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead. Nay- they are alive and are provided food or substance (Rizk) from their Lord...;
It must be remembered that those who are slain in the path of Allah either in a holy war (Jihad) or due to all their efforts in the path of Allah without actually being slain by war weapons are called Shaheed. (Martyrs) There are other types of Shaheeds (Martyrs) who have different grades and spiritual status.
These great personalities do not die though apparently declared to be dead and as such they are alive and are provided with food or substance (Rizk) by Allah.
The word Rizk is not confined to meaning "Food" only for eating purposes, but all the parts of the body including eyes, ears, nose, brain, tongue, blood-tissues, nerves, muscles are maintained through Rizk to each one of them as given by Allah.
In the holy Quran it is stated "Every soul shall have the taste of death. "Sura" "AMBIYA" Ayat 35 "Kullo Nafsin Zaikatlil Maul"
From the aforesaid two verses of the holy Quran quoted above some people may have confusion in their minds as to how Shaheed can be alive when Allah also says that every soul will have the taste of death?
The aforesaid confusion comes to an end when one reads what the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has said "DIE BEFORE YOU DIE" (MAUTA KABLA ANTAE MAUTA) These Shaheed (Martyrs) have already died to the life of CARNAL SOUL (Al-nafs-al-Am-marah) and have been restored to life in Spiritual World. Hence they have already tasted the death in this manner.
After returning from the last Holy War (Jihad) the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) gathered the believers and said to them "Now henceforth we will be entering into a bigger "Jihad" i.e. "Jihad-e-Akberi", the great Holy war against the NAFS", meaning total war against temptations and wretchedness of the Carnal Soul, against hypocrisy, against the wild unruly steed of the soul, against the darkness which veils the Divine Light from entering the spiritual stations in the heart, against the wild ignorance which obstructs the knowledge of Divine virtues, against the undisciplined and unsaddled soul which speeds in reverse directions towards the path of total evils.
It is but obvious that if there was no darkness of separate existence, the Light of unseen would have majestically appeared. The veil of separation would have been lifted if there had not been temptation of carnal soul. If there was no hypocrisy, the gnosis would have been pure and perfect.
If there was no greediness, the love of Allah would have prevailed in the soul; surely the Fire of passionate love of God would have been generated
Now, proceeding to the basic point that those who are slain in path of Allah should not be considered as dead, that they are alive and they get subsistence "Rizk" from Allah, the following facts are quoted below:-
PIRAN-E-KAMIL  the Perfect Masters (Saints) even though they don't go to battlefields to fight the Holy War - Jihad, also do not die as they too qualify themselves as "Shaheed" even though they breath their last, and are laid to rest in grave. This is all due to the fact that they had been fighting day and night for years together unceasingly against the "Carnal Soul" and pave their way towards the path of Allah. They qualified themselves as "Shaheeds" by fighting in Jihad-e-Akberi by Allah's Grace. During their life time these Shaheeds (the Saints) have also tasted death before the death by obeying the call of Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) " DIE BEFORE YOU DIE"
Ignorant people are under the impression that like other human beings the bodies of the Prophets and the Saints too get deteriorated and are consumed in the mud and nothing is left to their remains in the grave. Their notion is based on sheer ignorance.
Whereas, the fact stands contrary to their unrealistic thinking. The prayers for the raise of Divine Light in sinews, flesh, blood, hair, countenance, bones and other parts of the body play here a very important role for the upkeep and maintenance of their holy bodies whilst in grave.
Instances have come to light that whilst digging grounds for developments of roads, dams, bridges, railway tracks, erection of buildings etc, people have witnessed that the bodies of Muslim Saints have been found in a perfect condition as if buried a few minutes before, even their "Kafan" (shrouds) were found untainted, absolutely clean and unaffected by climatic effects.

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