Without the aid of microphone and other latest media the voice would reach a very limited distance. But for the Prophets and Saints, the enlightened friends of Allah there are no such barrier for their voices to reach far-off distances.
These Holy personalities in whom the Light of spiritual power exists can speak to any one miles away making it heard distinctly. The voice of the Second Caliph Hazrat Omer (r.a.) was heard miles away by the Muslim Army directing them to adjust their position whilst fighting a Holy war. There are many instances where the voices of Saints have been heard and recognised clearly directing and guiding their devotees at the time of their distress.
In a Holy war of Khyber, Hazrat Ali (Karam Allah Wajo hu) son-in-law of Holy Prophet Mohammed (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) was to be given the Banner of Islam to lead the Army against the enemies. Incidentally Hazrat Ali (K.A.W.) was having a serious trouble in his eyes. The Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) drew out saliva from his Holy tongue and applied it in the eyes of Hazrat Ali (K.A.W.) In a few moments the eye sore of Hazrat Ali (K.A.W.) vanished and his eyes became more glittering than before.
Hazrat Ali (K.A.W.) was born in Kaba, the House of Allah, which was a distinction never earned by anyone before or after him. For three days he did not suck his mother's bosoms. This situation was brought to the notice of the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) who took his dear cousin brother in his lap and placed his own tongue in the mouth of baby Hazrat Ali (K.A.W.) who kept sucking it. The tongue of the Holy prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) served as the source of nourishment and substitute for milk. During his youth period Hazrat Ali (K.A.W.) said "Ask me whatever you wish to ask beyond the throne of Allah because my bosom is full of many great secrets and divine knowledge. This is all due to the saliva of the Holy Prophet's (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) tongue which I sucked in my infancy."
People have witnessed that if a saint wishes, he can throw a person into ecstasy only by one touch of his tongue on the food or drink which he would give to any person he wishes to reform, and could keep him in rapturous state as long as he wishes The words coming out of the Saints have the effects of "KUN" i.e. "BE" become "Fa-Ya-Kun" then it comes into being. Hence whatever the Saint say, it begets.
According to the Hadith Qudsi it has been reportedly stated;
Allah said "The most valued worship of my bondsmen, seeking My nearness is the one I have imposed on him: and My servant continues to draw near Me through the work of supererogation, until I love him. And when I love him I am his ears so that he hears by Me, and his eyes, so that he sees by Me, and his feel so that he walks by Me." All this means that the attributes of Allah (Sifat) are channelled through these enlightened persons by Allah's Grace. People think that Saints have performed supernatural phenomena but in reality every act of the enlightened one is the act of Allah.
In Sura "Anfal" Ayat !7. Allah has said in the Quran when referring, to the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) It was not that you slew them, it was Allah; when you threw (Handful of dust) it was not thy act but Allah's" (Who threw the dust).
May Allah grant us all the correct & purposeful use of the Tongue and raise His light in the Tongues of the striving believers — Ameen.
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