The Qur’an is a beacon of light that cannot be extinguished. A
methodology and way of life that is perfect in all respect. In it is
strength that cannot be equaled or repelled. It is the foundation of
Iman and the spring of knowledge.
Allah willed that the Qur’an be what quenches the thirst for understanding. It is the delight of the people of wisdom and the greatest cure for all ailments. It is the wise reminder and the truly straight path. It is a truth with certainty that was revealed to us. Allah will raise and lower people with it and the Qur’an will intercede on behalf of those who recited it. The Qur’an in relation to man’s guidance is like the soul in relation to the body. Therefore, he who abandons its recitation and does not act in accordance to its laws is in a state of spiritual death. A heart that is derived from the Qur’an is a heart that has no life.
Sadly, many have taken this Qur’an for granted and have neglected its recitation and implementation, not realising its virtue and greatness. They have sought the pleasures of this worldly life and have neglected the map which will take lead them to true happiness and success. They hang parts of it on walls, decorating their dwellings, not realising that the Qur’an decorates one’s heart and character. And they have reclined to the ways of life of the disbeliever to seek status and rank, not knowing that the Qur’an will elevate its companions in the Hereafter.
Nothing is more beloved to a true believer in his life than reciting the Qur’an and reflecting and comprehend its meaning. In doing so an individual will become acquainted with what is good and what is evil. He will see the effects of disobedience of Allah and its punishment in the parables of those who have come before us, and the result of obeying Him in the Verses narrating the eternal bliss of Paradise.
We need to return to the source of life and make it the light which penetrates our hearts and illuminates our darkest moments in this world and on the Great Day. We need to return to it as serious students of knowledge, understanding what our Lord is explaining to us and thereby appreciating the whole meaning of life. Indeed, had there been a Qur’an with which mountains could be moved or the earth could be cloven asunder or the dead could be made to speak, it would not have been other than this Qur’an.
O Allah! Make the Qur’an the delight of our hearts and the light of our breasts and the remover of our pain, sorrow and discomfort. For You are the Source of all strength. Ameen.
Allah willed that the Qur’an be what quenches the thirst for understanding. It is the delight of the people of wisdom and the greatest cure for all ailments. It is the wise reminder and the truly straight path. It is a truth with certainty that was revealed to us. Allah will raise and lower people with it and the Qur’an will intercede on behalf of those who recited it. The Qur’an in relation to man’s guidance is like the soul in relation to the body. Therefore, he who abandons its recitation and does not act in accordance to its laws is in a state of spiritual death. A heart that is derived from the Qur’an is a heart that has no life.
Sadly, many have taken this Qur’an for granted and have neglected its recitation and implementation, not realising its virtue and greatness. They have sought the pleasures of this worldly life and have neglected the map which will take lead them to true happiness and success. They hang parts of it on walls, decorating their dwellings, not realising that the Qur’an decorates one’s heart and character. And they have reclined to the ways of life of the disbeliever to seek status and rank, not knowing that the Qur’an will elevate its companions in the Hereafter.
Nothing is more beloved to a true believer in his life than reciting the Qur’an and reflecting and comprehend its meaning. In doing so an individual will become acquainted with what is good and what is evil. He will see the effects of disobedience of Allah and its punishment in the parables of those who have come before us, and the result of obeying Him in the Verses narrating the eternal bliss of Paradise.
We need to return to the source of life and make it the light which penetrates our hearts and illuminates our darkest moments in this world and on the Great Day. We need to return to it as serious students of knowledge, understanding what our Lord is explaining to us and thereby appreciating the whole meaning of life. Indeed, had there been a Qur’an with which mountains could be moved or the earth could be cloven asunder or the dead could be made to speak, it would not have been other than this Qur’an.
O Allah! Make the Qur’an the delight of our hearts and the light of our breasts and the remover of our pain, sorrow and discomfort. For You are the Source of all strength. Ameen.
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