

Friday, 13 January 2012

Prayers to increase Nur(noor) in Heart

In prayer of Divine Light (Allah's Nur) the Holy Prophet Mohammed (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) selected the HEART first. 0' Allah raise Your Divine Light within my Heart.
He used the word Raise, meaning thereby increasing the brightness, power, guidance, purity, strength and other spiritual qualities in the Divine Light which is already existing in body.
Ordinarily we understand that the Heart is a shaped lump of flesh, a very important organ of the body functioning to pump blood to keep the body alive.
The Arabic word Qalb used in Quran means the Heart. Where it means Intelligence, it also connote one's Center of Understanding. As in Latin and other Languages there are several words are used to express phenomena, though the literal meaning of these words are different.
We do hear and say:-
Heartless, Broken-Hearted, Sweet-Heart, Stone-Hearted, Soft-Hearted and so many adjectives are added pointing towards the heart.
It is a matter to ponder as to why so many relative terms are quoted for the heart though the medical science describes the heart quite differently. Spiritual science has a different and broader outlook on the heart as aforementioned.

Spiritual masters have expressed that "Heart is the abode of Allah" and contains innumerable qualities and effects which determine the good and evil life on the earth and heavens.
A few Ayats (verses) about what Holy Quran says about the heart are quoted below:-
"Sura BAQRA" Ayat 10....In their (disbelievers') heart is a disease...
"IMRAN" 103... He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace you became brethren....
"ARAF" 1O1...Thus Allah sealed up the hearts of those who rejected the faith....
"ARAF" 179.....They have hearts wherewith they understand not...
"ANFAL" 63....And He hath put affection between their hearts...
"YUNUS" 57.... 0! Men there have come to you a direction from your Lord and a healing for (disease) in your heart.....
"HUD" 5 ... Behold, they fold up their hearts that they may conceal (their enmity) from Him... Surely, He knows well what is in your hearts......
"RAD" 28… Those who believe and whose hearts find satisfaction (contentment) in the remembrance of Allah; surely in remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction...
"HAJ" 46... Have they not travelled through the land so that their hearts with which they understand and their ears may thus learn to hear, for surely it is not that their eyes that are blind but their hearts (arc blind) which are in their breasts.
"AHZAB" 4...Allah has not made for any man two hearts within him... i.e. (One heart for His love and the second one for the love of His enemies. The heart cannot be of two attitudes.)
"ZUMER" 22.... Is one heart which Allah has opened to Islam, so that he has received enlightenment from Allah...No better than one hard heated? Woe, to those hearts are hardened against celebration of praise of Allah; those are in clear errors...
"HUJURAT" 3....Those that lower their voice in presence of Allah's Apostle- their hearts Allah has tested for piety. For them are forgiveness and a great reward....
"ANFAL" 24....And know that Allah cometh in between a man and his heart....
After reading verses from the Holy Quran on the subject it has become clear as crystal that the HEART plays a very important part in one's life.

Its role is not only to control the body but the major and important role is to keep itself clean as mirror; pure from the stain of sins and wide open to spiritual enlightenment with Allah's Grace.
May Allah the ever Merciful Raise His Light in hearts of the believers — Ameen.

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